church of St. Sergio (also known as St. Sergius or Abu Serga) was built
in the centre of the Ancient Roman fort of Babylon. The church is
considered as one of the sites visited by the Holy Family during their
escape from King Herod to the land of Egypt.
The church most
probably dates back to the 5th Century, although some historians believe
that it was actually built in the 8th Century. We are not sure of the
origin of Saint Sergius, as in the history of the Coptic Church there
are two Saints with the same name. The first one was an Egyptian who
died, together with his father and sister, during the intense Christian
persecution. People today celebrate his memory every year on the 7th of
February. The second one was a servant of the Roman Emperor Maximilian,
and he was martyred in Syria at the beginning of the 4th Century.
The Church takes the shape of a basilica with a narthex, a nave, and 2
aisles, which are separated from the nave by 12 columns with Corinthian
capitals, 10 of stone, one of marble and one of rosette granite. There
are 3 Sanctuaries on the east side; each Sanctuary contains an altar,
with a wooden dome, supported by 4 marble columns. The dome of each
altar has religious scenes of Christ, Angels, and the 4 evangelists.
There is a pulpit on the northeast side of the nave, which is made of
marble, though originally it was made of wood, incrusted with ebony and
The pulpit is used once, each year, in the prayer of
Great Friday. The central Sanctuary has a wooden screen, which dates
back to the 13th Century, incrusted with panels of ebony and ivory. The
frieze and the icons of the church are remarkable, most date back to the
15th and 16th Centuries, some were damaged and restored later.
One of the most important locations in this church is the cave in which
the Holy Family stayed during their journey into Egypt. It has a nave
and 2 aisles and the ceiling is domed. At the end of the southern aisle
of the Cave, is a baptistery.
On the 1st of June, each year, the
church of St. Sergio commemorates the arrival of the Holy Family by
having prayers inside the church of the cave.